Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back ground character for child labor

This study mainly presented and analyzed the socio- economic status and general working condition of DCL on different background characteristics. In background characteristic cast, education, age, sex, family size, family assets persons recruiting them, working activities, working hours, working salary etc.
are included.
This study has focused on the following major objective:
1  To study the socio-economic status of Domestic Child Laborers
2 To analyze the general working condition of Domestic Child laborers
3  To provide recommendation to eliminate DCL.

CWIN programs aimed to help enhance a national and international child movements to eliminate all forms of abuse, exploitation and injustice against children, enhance the socio economic status of children at risk, create child right forum in Nepal and promote the conceotion of partnership, participation, empowerment and right based approaches outside of and within the organization itself. This purpose has been achieved by this organization since it is established through advocacy, emergency action, social mobilization, alliance building soliditary action. It has rescued, supported, socialized, rehabilated, and social reintegrated the all type of child laborers at risk in Kathmandu valley and outside the valley too. It has provided opportunity to children to take part in personality development activities organized by CWIN. Our finding indicate that programs launched to rescue the children at risk is the excellent, but it has to do a lot of work for rescuing them outside the valley as there are more child laborers throughout the country. The   programmes and policy launched by this organization has great practical application that help the children to enhance their socio-economic, to be self sustains confident etc. plays a vital role for uplift   of children status. After its establishment and has taken part actively for children at risk, many children are rescued from risk taken part in every area of society. Now a day, the child’s right to participate should be respected in every home, community, organization and in society as the whole.
A lot of difference types of programmes have to be launched from time to time so that the more children take part in every sector of society and will bring about a fundamental social changes to ensure the future of the next generation and hence develop their personality. There is no alternative to work with children for their social wellbeing and empowerment.

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