Thursday, August 6, 2015

History of Handicraft in Nepal

Handicrafts have been a valuable part of Nepalese heritage. They express the great tradition and proud culture of this great Himalayan kingdom. Their origin can be traced back to the Stone Age when human beings were devoid of tools of any kind. The history of articles of everyday use may be as old as the history of man living in Nepal itself.
But the history of 'artistic handicrafts' probably can be traced only since the 5th century A. D. When one looks back to the Nepalese handicrafts design, materials, tools, craftsmanship and product development he\she finds them as old as the human civilization.

According to Bal Chandra Sharma, "Nepalese people used to produce handicrafts goods usually in volume with more or less standard quality, may legends are there for evidence that almost all the Nepalese were been engaged in crafts works than in agriculture. And crafts and commerce were in flourishing stage than agriculture during 'Kiratee' period"

 Nepali Handicraft
For 1,500 years, handmade paper has been made in the mountain area of Nepal. The raw material used is the bark of Daphne Cannabina or Daphne Papyracea, locally known as "Lokta" which is renowned for its exceptional durability and special texture. The oldest available manuscripts of Hindu & Buddhist texts, Royal edicts & legal documents are centuries old and always having recorded on Nepali handmade paper. The bark is collected from high altitude of 2000 meters, with environmental awareness to preserve the fragile ecology of Nepal's forests. The process involves cooking the bark twice-consecutive washing, chopping and beating with wooden mallets. The soft pulp is poured over a wooden frame and spread evenly by gently shaking the floating frame in a water tank or pond and then sun dried.
The traditional method doesn't need high technical equipment, machines, or electricity. All one needs is the skill and locally available products: stones, wood, water, and the availability of tree bark harvesting. Also, traditional Nepali paper is stronger and longer lasting than conventional, industrially processed Nepali paper and as a result is commonly used for official letters and documents. 
We believe in village-based self-reliance through the promotion of traditionally inspired hand crafted products that reflects our unique culture and heritage. Thank you for appreciating and supporting this ancient craft.


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  4. Nepal was once self sustained society with the help of sustainability many traditional skills and knowledge were developed, these need to be preserved properly.
