Sunday, August 30, 2015

Longwood university

A four-year public coeducational liberal arts university is Long-wood university which is  located in Melville, Virginia. United States.In 1839 as Farmville Female Seminary Association Long-wood university was founded.In Virginia  it is the third-oldest public university and  in the U.S it is one of the hundred oldest institutions of higher education . On July 1, 2002 Long-wood became a university.
The Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business and Economics, and the College of Education and Human Services are the three undergraduate college which was supported by the Cornier Honors College and coupled with the College of
Graduate and Professional Studies serve an enrollment of 5,096.In history the university occupies a unique geographic place : both Gens. Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant marched past the north end of campus on Lee’s retreat to Appomattox just days before the end of the American Civil War;at the south end of campus lies the former Robert Russ Morton High School, site of the historic 1951 student strike that became one of the five court cases culminating in the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision; and Israel Hill, a community of free black people formed around the turn of the 19th century, stands two miles from campus.
In 1839 Long-wood was founded as the Melville Female Seminary Association. The school flourished a Methodist Minister who had taught at Randolph-Macon College. The first president of Greensboro Female Seminary was left by lea  in his native North Carolina, and several presidents and name changes followed in the subsequent decades. The school offered English, Latin, Greek, French and piano which was led by a number of Methodist ministers.during Reconstruction, Farmville Female College, was a common among female seminaries as the institution was then known, fell into a period of deep financial difficulty.
The Civil War saw many seminaries around the South shutter their doors which was followed by decade.On June 5, 1875  the college was given new life with a new charter granted  the college renamed Melville College. Rev. Paul Whitehead, a minister from nearby Nelson County, Virginia who had been president of Wesleyan Female College at Murfreesboro in 1876 N.C., was appointed president. Under Whitehead, enrollment grew by nearly half, topping 100 students.In 1872 Whitehead resigned  to return to full-time ministry.

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